Oberaarhorn (3630 m) in 1 day: Saturday, 18 July 2020


We are interested in going to Oberaarhorn (3630 m) from Berghaus Oberaar in one day (i.e. without sleeping in any hut). I have contacted the hut keeper and he has told me that this is possible but we would need to have many people on the rope as there are many invisible crevasses on the glacier. So far we are two and, therefore, we are interested mainly in roping up with other people on the way up to Oberaarjochhütte (3258 m) and down (of course we could reach the summit together as well). The plan is to start around 5 a.m. on Saturday, 18.07, from the parking next to Berghaus Oberaar.


Tourenpartner / Hochtouren
Publiziert am
15.07.2020 12:00 und hat 1043 Aufrufe