28 Jun to 7 July: Rock climbing in the Alps
I plan to climb for about 10 days after finishing a work trip in Milan on 28 June.
My tick-list includes long alpine granite routes such as Salbit S ridge, Dolomites, Cassin's on Piz badile if we feel ambitious, Visite Obligatoire on Aiguille Dibona or something in Chamonix, and am very flexible on destination. With a suitably experienced partner, I am open to do all the leading. I am happy projecting hard sports (6c / 7a) at beautiful crags too: https://ecobnb.com/blog/2016/08/rock-climbing-italy/ I can come practically anywhere in Europe, I just want to maximize the climbing in the time invested.
From previous trips I have guidebooks of Salbit, Dolomites, Frankenjura, Plasir Jura, Mont Blanc classic Ice and Mixed climbing.
Would be happy to hear offers for a week long partnership (or at least a few days). I freeze my return date and book my ticket in a week or two, so let me know by then if you are interested in discussing this.
niranjantt [at] gmail
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15.05.2019 13:27 und hat 563 Aufrufe